
Silvan (5617476)- Handsome 13yr, 17hd, Polish WB gelding by Sillena. He’s the school master in the jumper ring!! Silvan has tons of successful show experience on the west coast!! Most recently, he was leased to an AA doing the 1m/1.10m. He is the perfect move up jumper for an amateur or young rider up to the 1.20m. Silvan is comfortable, honest, level headed, and big strided. He is quiet and consistent with a snaffle mouth making him suitable for a variety of different riders and in multiple arenas. Silvan is the confidence building mount that every trainer would want their client on! Priced in the low five figures purchase.

Located in Temecula, CA. Contact Jonelle Ramsay for more details. 714-313-1427.

